Why Kegels aren’t Cutting it!

Having spent over two decades as a Movement Specialist, I've had countless conversations with women frustrated by their attempts at Kegels (AKA - Pelvic Floor Exercises): “I've given Kegels a shot, but it just doesn't seem to do anything” they say and after then beginning to work with them, I noticed a common factor amongst them all which was a lack of Physical Self Awareness.

In today's world, many of us have grown distant from truly understanding our own bodies. We're bombarded with promises of quick fixes, flashy gadgets, and trendy products that promise to transform our well-being and whilst succumbing to this allure we've unintentionally disconnected from the awareness of our physical selves.

If you're on a journey to enhance your pelvic floor health, the crucial starting point lies in nurturing a deeper Physical Self Awareness. (For those intrigued, my program 'Sacred Union' serves as a gentle companion on this path.) In the meantime, I'd like to shed light on why 'Kegels Aren’t Cutting it’ by highlighting a few key insights below.

How to do effective pelvic floor exercises.

1. We’re Stressed!

You didn’t need me to tell you that did you! However, what I can tell you that you may not have realised is the impact your stress is having on your pelvic floor. 

When we are stressed (or perceive stress) our bodies clutch in a protective response without us even realising. 

We have an intriguing muscle called the Psoas which instantly contracts preparing to pull us into the safety of foetal position or help us sprint away from danger and this pulls on our pelvis shifting our pelvic floor out of it’s natural state and simultaneously preventing it from functioning in an optimal way. 

For many of us we are clutching unnecessarily in this protective response even though we aren’t in any immediate danger.

Our Subconscious doesn’t know the difference between an actual threat or an imagined one and it will respond the same if we are late for work as it would if we were truly in danger. 

Knowing how to release the unnecessary clutching we are doing within our pelvis is an absolute game changer. Your pelvic floor has been held hostage in the confines of a stress response for too long and you have the power to set it free. 

Kegels from a stressed, clutched Pelvis aren’t going to cut it, we need to release the unconscious stress first.

2. We’re doing it wrong

As you’re reading this lift your Pelvic Floor. Actually do it and notice what happens. Can you feel your butt clench? Did you feel your pelvis move? 

Many of us would have because when it comes to activating we often do too much! The thing is when we efficiently activate our pelvic floor, you won’t feel your butt clench and you won’t feel your pelvis move. Your pelvic floor is deep within and the activation is quite subtle. 

When I first introduce clients to true pelvic floor activation the first thing they always say is “But I’m not doing enough”. Less really is more especially when it comes to improving your Pelvic Floor Health. 

The next time you want to try Kegels get down and do them on your hands and knees as it makes it easier to isolate the deep muscles and a lot harder to clench your butt and tuck your pelvis. Make sure the curve of your lower back is present as that means you’re not in a protective grip and your pelvic floor will be free to contract and release efficiently. 

Keep in mind that proper pelvic floor activation won’t be visible from the outside. If your body is moving (apart from your tummy pulling in a little) you’re doing too much.

Kegels with your butt and pelvis joining in aren’t going to cut it, we need to embrace less is more.

3. It’s only one part of the puzzle 

When we consider the interconnectedness of our entire body it would be amiss for us to consider that simply focusing on the pelvic floor alone will create the improvement we desire. 

Your pelvic floor is an integral part of your core! We often think of our core as just our abs but that is a misconception. Our abs are a part of our core but there are 3 other important parts and your pelvic floor is one of them.

Think of your pelvic floor as the support at the bottom of your core. The support at the top of your core is your diaphragm. The support at the front is your tranversus abdominis (your deepest abs) and the support at the back is your Multifidus (deep muscles in your back).

Just like our heart beats every day without us having to think about it there’s also a function of our core muscles that should be happening all day everyday without us thinking about it. It should happen every time we breathe. I call it “Our Symphony Orchestra”.

When we inhale our diaphragm compresses down, our belly rises and pelvic floor relaxes. When we exhale our diaphragm releases, our belly draws in and our pelvic floor returns to it’s natural state.

When that natural function happens our “Symphony Orchestra” (our diaphragm, abdominals and pelvic floor) is playing beautiful music. 

For many of us our Orchestra parted ways a while back and our pelvic floor isn’t releasing and contracting with each breath like it should be. 

What good are kegels for a few minutes a day when for the rest of the day we’re keeping our pelvic floor trapped and out of action. 

It’s time to get the band back together and consider the other important elements that will contribute to your pelvic floor health improving.

Kegels without considering the interconnectedness of the entire body and the other parts of your core just aren’t going to cut it, they’re all in this together.

4. Is our exercise making it worse?

I’m not here to be the bearer of bad news and I most definitely do not want you to stop your exercise regime but it’s so important to pause and consider if you have got a solid awareness of your true core before your poor pelvic floor cops even more heavy loads without the necessary strength and support.

Now that we know that our pelvic floor is the foundational support of our core we want to consider what’s been happening to our pelvic floor when we’ve been lifting heavy weights or doing crunches in the past.

Intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) is the pressure inside our abdominal cavity and it plays a significant role in the function of the pelvic floor muscles. We create lots of it whilst exercising and without proper core awareness and activation and if our pelvic floor muscles are weak or dysfunctional they may struggle to withstand the increased intra-abdominal pressure. This can lead to problems such as prolapse, incontinence and pain and we DON”T WANT THAT!

Next time you’re exercising check if your tummy is pooching (pushing out) on exertion. This is a sure fire sign that your pelvic floor is copping the load.

Can you keep you pelvic floor gently activated as you load your body? If so keep going. If not, it’s time to pull back a little and lighten the load until your pelvic floor and core becomes strong enough to support it safely.

Kegels aren’t going to cut it if you continue exercising placing too much pressure on your pelvic floor whilst it’s not strong enough to support it.

5. It’s too tight!

Many of us believe that our pelvic floor is impaired because it’s not tight enough. The truth is many people have a compromised pelvic floor because it’s too tight. (Hypertonia) 

Think of a wet sponge in my fist that I want to get more water out of. Just squeezing my fist more isn’t going to do much is it? I need to release my hand and then re squeeze the sponge. 

Our pelvic floor needs to be released too in order to reactivate effectively.

It’s the same as someone walking around flexing their biceps all day everyday. Is it going to stay strong and buff? Of course not! Healthy muscles (your pelvic floor is a muscle) need extension and contraction to build strength and function optimally. 

How many of us walk around sucking our tummy in to look more lean? That’s also making it hard for our poor pelvic floor to release and contract like its meant to. Don’t be afraid to “let it go” it’s going to help you in more ways than one.

My favourite way to do this is to Lay on the floor with your knees bent and feet flat. 

Make sure you're not tucking into a protective grip. (If your lower back is imprinting into the floor you’re in a protective shape. Release out of it and feel the air between your lower back and the floor.)

Place your hand beneath your belly button and above your public bone.

As you breath feel your tummy rise up into your hand and as you exhale feel your tummy fall away from your hand.

Be sure to keep your butt relaxed and your pelvis free from tucking and imprinting your back your back into the floor.

Enjoy for a few minutes as you let yourself become more comfortable in the expansion of our tummy. After so many years of holding it in its going to feel a little strange for lots of us.

Kegels from an overactive pelvic floor aren’t going to cut it, we need to learn to let go first.

Whilst Kegels are great and something is better than nothing, if you’re not getting the results and improvement you desire it’s time to take a more holistic approach.

I cannot recommend enough how important it is to become aware of the unconscious clutching you are doing within your pelvis as the first next step. After guiding women through this for over 20 years I can confidently declare it really is the answer you have been looking for.

We live in a fast, busy world and we are moving further away from a true sense of relaxation. Our normal is not natural and what we think is comfortable is often anything but.

You deserve better than that and your Body is patiently waiting for you to believe that too.

She has been there right beside you through it all and she would love it if you took the time to get to know her a little better. 

It’s time to give your Body the time, attention and respect that she so rightly deserves.

To reunite with her, get to know her again and to remember that she has the key to set you free.

Sarah is a Somatic Therapist and Movement Specialist whose work is shaped around a simple truth — that the mind and body are innately connected. 

This simple truth guides her coaching and courses and inspires her mission to educate, empower and liberate Women’s perception of Body, Being and Business, helping them break through the confines of conditioning and to thrive whilst creating a life they’re wildly proud of. 

Her Signature Course SACRED UNION - Rekindling the Relationship between you and your Body is LIVE NOW

Say Goodbye to Stress, Anxiety and Tension and Discover How Amazing you’re designed to feel.

Sacred Union introduces you to fundamental Mind Body knowledge and awareness that will transform the way you look, feel and move.

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